1. Custom Declaration Form T-6
To avoid of custom regulations during passing custom control while enter in/exit from the Republic of Uzbekistan necessary to know:
During passing custom control the Custom Declaration Form T-6 is filled in by person who is 16 by declaring in this Form cash currencies, traveller's cheques and valuable items.
An information about persons below 16 year and their valuable items are declared in the Custom Declaration Forms of their parents and relatives or accompanied by them persons by indicating on the top of left of this form the relationship, full name and date of birth.
Lost the Custom Declaration is not renewed and its holder is not enabled to freely shift items, indicated in Form
2. Importing of cash foreign currency
Importing of unlimited cash foreign currency is allowed by residents and non-residents by declaring in the Custom Declaration Form T-6 .
Cash national or foreign currency of resident or non-resident is voluntarily accepted for storage by receipt Form ТС-21without any charge.
Cash foreign currency exceeded 5000 US $ is allowed to import to Uzbekistan with the Certificate Form TC-28, which is issued by the Custom Authority.
3. Exporting of cash foreign currency out of Uzbekistan is allowed:
а) for residents – within the limit of sum which is equivalent of 2000 US$, without permission;
b) for residents – exceeded of sum which is equivalent of 2000 US$, with permission of Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan or authorized bank;
c) for residents – exceeded of sum which is equivalent of 2000 US$, with permission of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
d) for non-residents – within the lim it of sum which was before imported to Uzbekistan according to the Custom Declaration.
A Bank Permission is legal document to export by non-residents exceeded sum of cash foreign currency which was indicated in the Custom Declaration T-6 (which was filled during import) or the Certificate TC-28 (which was issued by the Custom Authority during import) ;
e) to export of traveller's cheque is allowed according to the Custom Declaration T-6.
Transferring a Bank Permission of foreign currency export to another persons is not allowed.
Uncovered faked cash foreign currency during custom control is not imported, it is detained by issuing procedural documents to take legal action.
4. Importing and exporting of cash national currency
To import and export of cash national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan (som) which is not exceeded of 50 living wage by residents and non-residents is allowed
To export of cash national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan (som) which is exceeded of 50 living wage is allowed by the permission of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan
5. Prohibited items to import into the Republic of Uzbekistan
Following items are prohibited to import into the Republic of Uzbekistan: seal products, manuscripts, cliche‘,drawings, photos, films, printers, products of movie, video and audio, recordeds, audiorecordeds which are objects of undermining of state and public system, violating of territorial integrity, political independence and state sovereignty, propagandizing of war, terrorism, violence, national exclusiveness, religious hatred, racism and its variety like anti-Semitism and fascism, material of pornographic content and also medical product which consist of narcotic, psychotropic substance and precursors.
Undeclaration or unreliable declaration and not showing of foreign currencies, traveller's cheques and valuable items and other goods during inquiring by custom officer is violation of custom regulations and person who made this act is responsible according to law of the Republic of Uzbekistan.