Home/Travel Guide/Foreign Embassies in Uzbekistan

Foreign Embassies in Uzbekistan

List of Foreign Embassies and Consulates in Uzbekistan

At present, Tashkent hosts 44 embassies, seven consulates and one other representation in Uzbekistan.

Here is the list of Foreign Embassies and Consulates in Uzbekistan with their contact numbers, email and location addresses.



Embassy of Afghanistan
Batumskaya St., 1
Phone: (+998 71) 226-73-80, 226-73-81, 226-73-90
e-mail: afghanemb_tashkent@yahoo.com



Embassy of Algeria
Taffakur passage, 41, Yakkasaray district
Phone: (+998 71) 281-50-54, 281-55-65
Fax: (+998 71) 120-61-80 
e-mail: ambtachkent@live.fr 



Embassy of Azerbaijan
Shark Tongi St., 25
Phone: (+998 71) 273-61-67
Fax: (+998 71) 273-26-58 
e-mail: tashkent@mission.mfa.gov.az 



Embassy of Bangladesh
Vahidov St., 33
Phone: (+998 71) 254-04-21
Fax: (+998 71) 120-67-11
e-mail: mission.tashkent@mofa.gov.bd 



Embassy of Belarus
Gulyamova St., 75
Phone: (+998 71) 120-75-11, 120-72-54, 120-72-56 
Fax: (+998 71) 120-72-53
e-mail: uzbekistan@mfa.gov.by



The Trade Representation of the Kingdom of Belgium
Beshagach St., 1
Phone: (+998 71) 140-37-73, 239-48-09 
e-mail: info@awex.co.uz



Embassy of Britain and Ireland
Ya.Gulyamov St., 67
Phone: (+998 71) 120-15-00
Fax: (+998 71) 120-15-20, 120-15-06
e-mail: brit@emb.uz 

British Council
Amir Temur St., 107B
Phone: (+998 71) 205-06-60
Fax: (+998 71) 120-63-71



Embassy of Bulgaria
Rakatbashi St., 52
Phone: (+998 71) 256-48-88
Fax: (+998 71) 120-33-73
e-mail: posolbg@bbc.com.uz 



Honorary Consulate of Canada
Rustaveli St., 56 
Phone: (+998 71) 120-72-70
Fax: (+998 71) 120-72-70



Embassy of China
Gulyamov St. 79
Phone: (+998 71) 233-80-88, 233-47-28
Fax: (+998 71) 233-47-35
e-mail: chinaemb_uz@mfa.gov.cn



Consulate of Cyprus
Oloy array (C-2), 7/22, Mirzo Ulugbek district
Phone: (+998 71) 233-69-90 



Embassy of Czech Republic
Navnihol St., 6
Phone: (+998 71) 120-60-71
Fax: (+998 71) 120-60-75
e-mail: tashkent@embassy.mzv.cz



Embassy of Egypt
Kohinur St., 10/53, Yakkasaray district
Phone: (+998 71) 120-60-21, 120-50-08
Fax: (+998 71) 120-50-09
e-mail: egyptemb@rambler.ru



Embassy of France
St. Istiqbol, 25
Phone: (+998 71) 233-53-82, 233-53-84, 233-51-57
Fax: (+998 71) 233-62-10 
e-mail: cad.tachkent-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr



Embassy of Georgia
Ziyolilar St., 6
Phone: (+998 71) 262-62-43
Fax: (+998 71) 262-91-39
e-mail: tashkent.emb@mfa.gov.ge



Embassy of Germany 
Rashidov street, 15 (Monument of Courage) 
Phone: (+998 71) 120-84-40 
Fax: (+998 71) 120-84-50
e-mail: info@taschkent.diplo.de



Embassy of India
Karabulak St., 15/16 
Phone: (+998 71) 140-09-83(97,98) 
Fax: (+998 71) 140-09-87(99) 
e-mail: hoc.tashkent@mea.gov.in



Embassy of Indonesia
Gulyamov St., 73
Phone: (+998 71) 232-02-36(37)
Fax: (+998 71) 120-65-40, 233-05-13 
e-mail: unitkom@kbri-tashkent.go.id



Embassy of Iran
Parkentskaya St., 20
Phone: (+998 71) 150-60-50, 150-60-65, 268-47-68 
Fax: (+998 71) 140-07-61



Embassy of Italy
Yusuf Xos Khojib St., 40 
Phone: (+998 71)252-11-19(20,21,23)
Fax: (+998 71) 120-66-06
e-mail: segreteria.tashkent@esteri.it



Embassy of Israel
Kahhar St., 3a
Phone: (+998 71) 140-75-00
Fax: (+998 71) 140-75-55 
e-mail: operator@tashkent.mfa.gov.il



Embassy of Japan
St. Sadiq Asimov, 1/28
Phone: (+998 71) 120-80-60(61,62,63)
Fax: (+998 71) 120-80-75(77)
e-mail: homepage@ts.mofa.go.jp



Embassy of Jordan
Chilanzar-15 St.Farhadskaya, 9 (Dip.villy)
Phone: (+998 71) 274-24-79, 274-64-83
Fax: (+998 71) 140-11-44
e-mail: jordanembuzb@mail.ru



Embassy of Kazakhstan
Chekhov St., 23
Phone: (+998 71) 252-16-54
Fax: (+998 71) 152-16-50



Embassy of DPRK
Sh. Rustaveli St., 95A 
Phone: (+998 71) 250-59-44 



Embassy of Kuwait
Batumskaya St., cottage 2
Phone: (+998 71) 120-58-88
Fax: (+998 71) 120-84-96
e-mail: tashkent@mofa.gov.kw



Embassy of Kyrgyzstan
Kh. Samatova St., 30 
Phone: (+998 71) 237-47-94
Fax: (+998 71) 120-72-94
e-mail: kg.embassy.uz@gmail.com



Embassy of Latvia
Lashkarbegi St., 16а
Phone: (+998 71) 237-22-15
Fax: (+998 71) 120-70-36
e-mail: embassy.uzbekistan@mfa.gov.lv



Embassy of Malaysia
Bogsaroy St., 28/30 
Phone: (+998 71) 254-09-61, 256-30-27, 256-32-99
Fax: (+998 71) 252-30-71
e-mail: mwtashkent@kln.gov.my



Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman
Rakatboshi St., 9 
Phone: (+998 71) 140-05-33
Fax: (+998 71) 140-05-29
e-mail: tashkent@mofa.gov.om



Embassy of Pakistan
Kichik Hulk Yuli, 15 
Phone: (+998 71) 248-21-73, 248-86-49, 228-05-25
Fax: (+998 71) 120-49-21
e-mail: PakistanEmbassyTashkent@gmail



Embassy of Palestine
Constitution St., 19 
Phone: (+998 71) 254-94-18
Fax: (+998 71) 254-41-48



Embassy of Peru
St.Osie, 6, office 191
Phone: (+998 71) 150-10-83 
Fax: (+998 71) 150-10-84
e-mail: jpembuz@embjapan.intal.uz



Consulate of Poland
Firdavsiy St., 66 
Phone: (+998 71) 120-86-50(52)
Fax: (+998 71) 120-86-51 



Embassy of Romania
Zanjirbog St., 44 А
Phone: (+998 71) 252-68-88
Fax: (+998 71) 120-75-67



Embassy of Russia
Nukus St., 83
Phone: (+998 71) 120-35-04, 140-72-00, 255-62-99, 120-35-19
Fax: (+998 71) 120-35-09
e-mail: rusemb@albatros.uz - Embassy ; 
consul@albatros.uz - consular Section



Embassy of Saudi Arabia
Babur St., 3а
Phone: (+998 71) 281-51-01(04,07)



Embassy of Slovakia
Kichik Beshagach St., 38
Phone: (+998 71) 120-68-52, 255-55-65
Fax: (+998 71) 120-68-51
e-mail: emb.tashkent@mzv.sk



Embassy of Slovenia
Nukusskaya St., 16, office 7
Phone: (+998 71) 232-20-49(51), 233-96-73
Fax: (+998 71) 232-20-51, 233-96-73



Embassy of South Korea
Afrasiab St., 7
Phone: (+998 71) 252-31-51(53)
Fax: (+998 71) 140-02-48, 252-71-73
e-mail: uzkoremb@mofa.go.kr



Embassy of Switzerland
St. Rustaveli, deadlock 1, 4 
Phone: (+998 71) 120-67-38(39,40) 
Fax: (+998 71) 120-62-59
e-mail: tas.vertretung@eda.admin.ch 



Embassy of Tajikistan
A. Kahhar Avenue, 61
Phone: (+998 71) 254-99-66, 254-84-13
Fax: (+998 71) 254-89-69
e-mail: tajembuz@mfa.tj



Honorary Consulate of Thailand
Hurshid Street, 1 А, 100128
Phone: (+998 71) 241-82-89
Fax: (+998 71) 241-92-82



Embassy of Turkey
Ya.Gulyamova St, 87
Phone: (+998 71) 113-03-00, 113-03-43, 113-03-44
Fax: (+998 71) 113-03-33
e-mail: embassy.tashkent@mfa.gov.tr



Embassy of Turkmenistan
Afrasiab St., 19 
Phone: (+998 71) 256-94-02/06 
Fax: (+998 71) 256-94-03 



Embassy of Ukraine
Gulyamova St., 68
Phone: (+998 71) 233-52-80, 233-55-96 
Fax: (+998 71) 233-10-89 
e-mail: emb_uz@mfa.gov.ua 



Embassy of USA
3 Moyqorghon Street, 5th Block, Yunusobod District
Phone: (+998 71) 120-54-50
Fax: (+998 71) 120-63-35
e-mail: TashkentInfo@state.gov



Embassy of Vatican
Musaxanov St., 80/1 
Phone: (+998 71) 233-70-25
Fax: (+998 71) 233-70-35



Embassy of Vietnam
Rashidov St., 100
Phone: (+998 71) 235-64-93, 234-45-41 
Fax: (+998 71) 120-62-65
e-mail: dsqvntas@rol.uz, dnemb.uzbek@yahoo.com 

str.Bedil 18, 140103, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
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