Embassy of Afghanistan
Batumskaya St., 1
Phone: (+998 71) 226-73-80, 226-73-81, 226-73-90
e-mail: afghanemb_tashkent@yahoo.com
Embassy of Algeria
Taffakur passage, 41, Yakkasaray district
Phone: (+998 71) 281-50-54, 281-55-65
Fax: (+998 71) 120-61-80
e-mail: ambtachkent@live.fr
Embassy of Azerbaijan
Shark Tongi St., 25
Phone: (+998 71) 273-61-67
Fax: (+998 71) 273-26-58
e-mail: tashkent@mission.mfa.gov.az
Embassy of Bangladesh
Vahidov St., 33
Phone: (+998 71) 254-04-21
Fax: (+998 71) 120-67-11
e-mail: mission.tashkent@mofa.gov.bd
Embassy of Belarus
Gulyamova St., 75
Phone: (+998 71) 120-75-11, 120-72-54, 120-72-56
Fax: (+998 71) 120-72-53
e-mail: uzbekistan@mfa.gov.by
The Trade Representation of the Kingdom of Belgium
Beshagach St., 1
Phone: (+998 71) 140-37-73, 239-48-09
e-mail: info@awex.co.uz
Embassy of Britain and Ireland
Ya.Gulyamov St., 67
Phone: (+998 71) 120-15-00
Fax: (+998 71) 120-15-20, 120-15-06
e-mail: brit@emb.uz
British Council
Amir Temur St., 107B
Phone: (+998 71) 205-06-60
Fax: (+998 71) 120-63-71
Embassy of Bulgaria
Rakatbashi St., 52
Phone: (+998 71) 256-48-88
Fax: (+998 71) 120-33-73
e-mail: posolbg@bbc.com.uz
Honorary Consulate of Canada
Rustaveli St., 56
Phone: (+998 71) 120-72-70
Fax: (+998 71) 120-72-70
Embassy of China
Gulyamov St. 79
Phone: (+998 71) 233-80-88, 233-47-28
Fax: (+998 71) 233-47-35
e-mail: chinaemb_uz@mfa.gov.cn
Consulate of Cyprus
Oloy array (C-2), 7/22, Mirzo Ulugbek district
Phone: (+998 71) 233-69-90
Embassy of Czech Republic
Navnihol St., 6
Phone: (+998 71) 120-60-71
Fax: (+998 71) 120-60-75
e-mail: tashkent@embassy.mzv.cz
Embassy of Egypt
Kohinur St., 10/53, Yakkasaray district
Phone: (+998 71) 120-60-21, 120-50-08
Fax: (+998 71) 120-50-09
e-mail: egyptemb@rambler.ru
Embassy of France
St. Istiqbol, 25
Phone: (+998 71) 233-53-82, 233-53-84, 233-51-57
Fax: (+998 71) 233-62-10
e-mail: cad.tachkent-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr
Embassy of Georgia
Ziyolilar St., 6
Phone: (+998 71) 262-62-43
Fax: (+998 71) 262-91-39
e-mail: tashkent.emb@mfa.gov.ge
Embassy of Germany
Rashidov street, 15 (Monument of Courage)
Phone: (+998 71) 120-84-40
Fax: (+998 71) 120-84-50
e-mail: info@taschkent.diplo.de
Embassy of India
Karabulak St., 15/16
Phone: (+998 71) 140-09-83(97,98)
Fax: (+998 71) 140-09-87(99)
e-mail: hoc.tashkent@mea.gov.in
Embassy of Indonesia
Gulyamov St., 73
Phone: (+998 71) 232-02-36(37)
Fax: (+998 71) 120-65-40, 233-05-13
e-mail: unitkom@kbri-tashkent.go.id
Embassy of Iran
Parkentskaya St., 20
Phone: (+998 71) 150-60-50, 150-60-65, 268-47-68
Fax: (+998 71) 140-07-61
Embassy of Italy
Yusuf Xos Khojib St., 40
Phone: (+998 71)252-11-19(20,21,23)
Fax: (+998 71) 120-66-06
e-mail: segreteria.tashkent@esteri.it
Embassy of Israel
Kahhar St., 3a
Phone: (+998 71) 140-75-00
Fax: (+998 71) 140-75-55
e-mail: operator@tashkent.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Japan
St. Sadiq Asimov, 1/28
Phone: (+998 71) 120-80-60(61,62,63)
Fax: (+998 71) 120-80-75(77)
e-mail: homepage@ts.mofa.go.jp
Embassy of Jordan
Chilanzar-15 St.Farhadskaya, 9 (Dip.villy)
Phone: (+998 71) 274-24-79, 274-64-83
Fax: (+998 71) 140-11-44
e-mail: jordanembuzb@mail.ru
Embassy of Kazakhstan
Chekhov St., 23
Phone: (+998 71) 252-16-54
Fax: (+998 71) 152-16-50
Embassy of DPRK
Sh. Rustaveli St., 95A
Phone: (+998 71) 250-59-44
Embassy of Kuwait
Batumskaya St., cottage 2
Phone: (+998 71) 120-58-88
Fax: (+998 71) 120-84-96
e-mail: tashkent@mofa.gov.kw
Embassy of Kyrgyzstan
Kh. Samatova St., 30
Phone: (+998 71) 237-47-94
Fax: (+998 71) 120-72-94
e-mail: kg.embassy.uz@gmail.com
Embassy of Latvia
Lashkarbegi St., 16а
Phone: (+998 71) 237-22-15
Fax: (+998 71) 120-70-36
e-mail: embassy.uzbekistan@mfa.gov.lv
Embassy of Malaysia
Bogsaroy St., 28/30
Phone: (+998 71) 254-09-61, 256-30-27, 256-32-99
Fax: (+998 71) 252-30-71
e-mail: mwtashkent@kln.gov.my
Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman
Rakatboshi St., 9
Phone: (+998 71) 140-05-33
Fax: (+998 71) 140-05-29
e-mail: tashkent@mofa.gov.om
Embassy of Pakistan
Kichik Hulk Yuli, 15
Phone: (+998 71) 248-21-73, 248-86-49, 228-05-25
Fax: (+998 71) 120-49-21
e-mail: PakistanEmbassyTashkent@gmail
Embassy of Palestine
Constitution St., 19
Phone: (+998 71) 254-94-18
Fax: (+998 71) 254-41-48
Embassy of Peru
St.Osie, 6, office 191
Phone: (+998 71) 150-10-83
Fax: (+998 71) 150-10-84
e-mail: jpembuz@embjapan.intal.uz
Consulate of Poland
Firdavsiy St., 66
Phone: (+998 71) 120-86-50(52)
Fax: (+998 71) 120-86-51
Embassy of Romania
Zanjirbog St., 44 А
Phone: (+998 71) 252-68-88
Fax: (+998 71) 120-75-67
Embassy of Russia
Nukus St., 83
Phone: (+998 71) 120-35-04, 140-72-00, 255-62-99, 120-35-19
Fax: (+998 71) 120-35-09
e-mail: rusemb@albatros.uz - Embassy ;
consul@albatros.uz - consular Section
Embassy of Saudi Arabia
Babur St., 3а
Phone: (+998 71) 281-51-01(04,07)
Embassy of Slovakia
Kichik Beshagach St., 38
Phone: (+998 71) 120-68-52, 255-55-65
Fax: (+998 71) 120-68-51
e-mail: emb.tashkent@mzv.sk
Embassy of Slovenia
Nukusskaya St., 16, office 7
Phone: (+998 71) 232-20-49(51), 233-96-73
Fax: (+998 71) 232-20-51, 233-96-73
Embassy of South Korea
Afrasiab St., 7
Phone: (+998 71) 252-31-51(53)
Fax: (+998 71) 140-02-48, 252-71-73
e-mail: uzkoremb@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of Switzerland
St. Rustaveli, deadlock 1, 4
Phone: (+998 71) 120-67-38(39,40)
Fax: (+998 71) 120-62-59
e-mail: tas.vertretung@eda.admin.ch
Embassy of Tajikistan
A. Kahhar Avenue, 61
Phone: (+998 71) 254-99-66, 254-84-13
Fax: (+998 71) 254-89-69
e-mail: tajembuz@mfa.tj
Honorary Consulate of Thailand
Hurshid Street, 1 А, 100128
Phone: (+998 71) 241-82-89
Fax: (+998 71) 241-92-82
Embassy of Turkey
Ya.Gulyamova St, 87
Phone: (+998 71) 113-03-00, 113-03-43, 113-03-44
Fax: (+998 71) 113-03-33
e-mail: embassy.tashkent@mfa.gov.tr
Embassy of Turkmenistan
Afrasiab St., 19
Phone: (+998 71) 256-94-02/06
Fax: (+998 71) 256-94-03
Embassy of Ukraine
Gulyamova St., 68
Phone: (+998 71) 233-52-80, 233-55-96
Fax: (+998 71) 233-10-89
e-mail: emb_uz@mfa.gov.ua
Embassy of USA
3 Moyqorghon Street, 5th Block, Yunusobod District
Phone: (+998 71) 120-54-50
Fax: (+998 71) 120-63-35
e-mail: TashkentInfo@state.gov
Embassy of Vatican
Musaxanov St., 80/1
Phone: (+998 71) 233-70-25
Fax: (+998 71) 233-70-35
Embassy of Vietnam
Rashidov St., 100
Phone: (+998 71) 235-64-93, 234-45-41
Fax: (+998 71) 120-62-65
e-mail: dsqvntas@rol.uz, dnemb.uzbek@yahoo.com