This is a state research and production organization, founded in May 1977 with the aim of breeding rare species of animals. It is located in the South-Western part of the Kyzylkum desert, 42 km from Bukhara.
During its history, viable populations of gazelles, kulans, Przhevalsky horses, small mountain sheep were created. On the territory you can see saxaul groves, tugai thickets, unique plants of salt marshes and takyrs.
The Ecocenter is of great importance for the conservation of birds - in 2008 it was awarded the international status of the Most Important Ornithological Territories.
Separate excursions for children and youth are arranged here - they can not only look at rare animals, but also take part in feeding young animals under the supervision of employees.
There are all conditions for a comfortable stay and a guest house. In the evening you can walk to the lake complex, which consists of 4 small ponds that differ from each other in salinity and depth.
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