In Bukhara Art Museum are paintings and drawings of artists of Bukhara. Going to such a place with children is a very good idea. You can learn about the creativity of the local people and dive deep into the art.
A special resolution "On celebrations of the 545th anniversary of distinguished artist Kamoliddin Behzad" was adopted by the Uzbek cabinet of ministers on December 23, 1997. This decision led to the creation of the Kamoliddin Behzad museum park.
The museum's goal is to explore and promote the artistic legacy of Kamoliddin Behzad and his adherents as well as the tradition of eastern miniatures.
It also aims to introduce the arts of miniature, calligraphy, and creation technology, organize national and international scientific and practical conferences, and use art to instill in the minds of the next generation a sense of reverence and respect for the past.
Among the manuscripts in the museum's collection are Imam al-"Kimyoi Ghazzali's saodat" and "Ihya Ulum ad-din," Khusain Voiz Kashifi's book "Ahloqi muhsini," Burhaniddin Margioni's priceless "Hidoya" and "Siyari sharif" XVII-century manuscript.
The museum houses manuscripts from the XII century "Favoid al-Ziyoiya" (on Arabic grammar) and the XIV century "History of Kaboil al-arab" (History of Arab tribes).
Information on the names and histories of the tribes is presented in the texts both graphically and textually. It is a significant resource for research on the Arab generation. Having been donated by the library's "Asian community," the museum possesses a copy of the letter that Kamoliddin Behzad wrote to his student Kasim Ali (India).
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